Soul Preachers:: Interview

They say that things can take you by surprise, this is exactly what happened when ‘Soul Preachers’ stepped on stage at Crash Festival 2012.


This band are so refreshing to the ear and pleasing to the eye. From the West Midlands ‘Soul Preachers’ prove that you don’t need a record deal to bring in the crowds, they can do this all by themselves.

They’ve brought together a great talented band and created universal music that appeals to a wide range of listeners. The blend of different genres works in harmony with each-other, and the stage presence is simply dynamic. ‘Soul Preachers’ are no doubt one band that made a ‘Crash Festival’ highlight, and should not be missed. Much respect for them as they are only just getting going.

Recently I spoke with Father and Daughter Neville and Annette Campbell (Guitar / Vocals) about ‘Soul Preachers’.

Did you enjoy Crash Festival? Absolutely loved it, Crash festival is superb, it’s our 1st time here and we would love to come again, the crowd was awesome.

Have you got an album? We’re still working on the album at the moment, we got a few little tweaks to do. We’re going to release an EP some time soon.

Your own personal favourite artist’s? The late Whitney Houston and Morgan Heritage.

How long you been performing together? Interestingly enough, we started off playing at home and Annette has always been into singing. We been writing for about 10 years now, we all worked together with different band members and performing together as ‘Soul Preachers’ for about 18 months. When we formed the band, we had a lot of songs already written and we had a good mix. Some of us are Rock, Soul and Reggae. We mixed it together got a nice compromise, and now we’re going for it.

What other festivals you performed at? We played at ‘Burton festival’ and ‘The Work House’ and we’ve played at wine bars and pubs and loads lined up for the rest of the year.

What’s the most memorable performance? Well, with the crowd response, it has to be Crash Festival. The crowds was shouting out Soul Preachers. We loved it, to be on stage and hear that was an ace feeling, brilliant.

How did the band name come about? Years ago I was a preacher and when I came out of that people still called me preacher. My son his name is Soul Campbell he used to be called Soul. He was called soul I was called preacher and the rest is history.

Final words of encouragement for anyone in the music industry? Practice, practice and practice. Get your confidence and make sure you know exactly what you want to do. If you feel like doing it, work hard at it and just do it, and enjoy.[slideshow]




Web Page:

Band members:

Neville Campbell / Lead Singer

Annette Campbell / Lead Singer

Dave Cox / Synthesizers and programing

Paul Grainger / Bass Guitar

Colin Leddington / Guitar

Tom Vallings / Drums

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